
2 Aug 2024

Wheelchair Phone Charger

For my freshman year final engineering design project at McMaster University, I worked in a team with 4 individuals to design and create a product that would help a client assigned to us by the university. Our client was a young individual diagnosed with spina bifida, a condition that inhibits the development of the spinal cord and causes paralysis in the lower body. Our client used a wheelchair to move around and mentioned that they had difficulty charging their phone due to the location of charging ports.

28 Jul 2024

Nvim Config

Neovim is my primary text editor of choice. In this article, I’ll be breaking down my current configuration file and explaining the purpose of most plugins and settings. At the moment, I’ve tried to mantain a fairly simple configuration, but I’m always looking to improve it. I’ll try updating this article with any changes as time goes on. You can see my config here. Structure I use lazy as my plugin manager, which I’ll get into, but my file structure at the moment looks like this: